There is a lot of talk in Real Estate circles about how Realtors should run their business in regards to returning either another agents or clients phone call.
There are of course some pretty differing opinions amongst Real Estate agents themselves on what they should be held accountable to.
There are quite a few including myself that think Real Estate is a 24/7 business. Real Estate is a service industry where the clientele relies on their agent to be ready, willing and able to help at a moments notice.
Lately, I have called a few Realtors and were not able to reach them. On their work voice mail was a message that said “I only return calls between the hours of 12-1 and 5-6 p.m.” Are you freaking kidding me!
Here is another example right on an MLS listing:
“Please note, that we are not in the office on the weekends, we will return calls, emails and faxes on Monday. Thank you.”
If I was a consumer calling these Realtors with the possibility of using their Real Estate services my decision would be made for me very quickly. I was frustrated hearing the message because it was just after 1 p.m and I did not want to wait until five o clock to get a return phone call.
Anyone who has been in Real Estate for a while knows that there are issues that inevitably crop up that must be dealt with right away in a transaction. Sometimes if problems are not dealt with immediately it can be disastrous, including the chance that the transaction does not even happen.
When consumers are surveyed asking about their experience with the Realtor they hired, is it any surprise to know that the number one complaint nationally is always a lack of communication? Consumers want to know what is going on with the sale of their home prior to an offer, as well as during the time period it takes to get to the closing table. There are always a myriad of things to be discussed.
In an age where technology is king, a Realtor that knows how to communicate with today’s savvy consumer is in high demand. Personally, I have a Blackberry that allows me to get an immediate email. My phone is with me at all times and any of my clients can reach me when they need to. I could not imagine it any other way.
When I am hired to sell a home an exchange of all my contact information is automatic. My clients have my cell phone and email and are told they can reach whenever necessary.
One of the things I have found fascinating is the wide discrepancy in beliefs on what is appropriate regarding this subject. For example, I know quite a few Realtors that do not return phone calls after 7 p.m at night. If you leave a message after that time you are out of luck! Some are staunch believers that once they are home with their families the work day is over. This has never been my policy and I don’t think it ever will be. I just don’t roll that way.
In fact the only time I will not answer my phone is when I am being interviewed for the chance to list someones home.
I do not even bring my phone into the potential clients home. I want the clients full attention and they should have mine.
The other occasion where I may not answer my phone is when I am showing a home. It all depends on the client I am with. Some are very open and tell me to go ahead and take the call. I know that the fact that I am readily available is very much appreciated.
How do I know? Many of the Real Estate testimonials that have been given to me mention the fact that they really appreciated the fact I always returned my calls immediately. Don’t make the mistake of picking the wrong Realtor!
So what are your expectations? What kind of Realtor do you want?
Related Real Estate articles worth a look:
About the author: The above Real Estate information on Do you want a 24/7 Realtor was provided by Bill Gassett, a Nationally recognized leader in his field. Bill can be reached via email at or by phone at 508-435-5356. Bill has helped people move in and out of many Metrowest towns for the last 24+ Years.
Thinking of selling your home? I have a passion for Real Estate and love to share my marketing expertise!
I service the following towns in Metrowest MA: Hopkinton, Milford, Upton, Southboro, Westboro, Ashland, Holliston, Mendon, Hopedale, Medway, Franklin, Framingham, Grafton, Northbridge, Shrewsbury, Northboro, Bellingham, Uxbridge, and Douglas.
You are right about returning calls quickly. Consumers will simply go on to the next web site, or phone number – if seeking general information. I get plenty of calls after 7 pm, and hate to think what happens when I don’t pick up….
BTW, your new WP Blog, using Thesis is well done. I have a similar layout on Thesis, and cannot tell you how many agents, I have noticed, that have switched over to WP / Thesis. The SEO benefit is outstanding. Good Job.
Mary it is amazing the variations in business practices with Realtors as a group. It is easy to see why some agents do very well and others do not. It actually is pretty easy to figure out why 94% of the business is done by 6% of the Realtors!
BTW- I love the Thesis platform:)
I love the statistic 94% of the business is done by 6% of the realtors!!! If you don’t answer your phone on weekends and evenings, you are in the wrong field. Sure things come up and you are not always available but if as a rule, you are not available to clients…well that just wouldn’t fly in my market. Great post!
Betsy thanks for stopping by! I truly don’t understand how you can be in the Real Estate business and not have a phone that receives an email. There are so many that don’t invest properly in their business. I pride myself on returning phone calls and emails IMMEDIATELY!
Bill, you really hit the nail on the head. Not only is this a bad experience for the client, but it’s frustrating for Realtors as well. I do a lot of business at night and on the weekends. It’s a challenge to schedule showings on another Realtor’s listing if they are only “available” to take calls, two hours a day during the week. I don’t know how business is in Massachusetts, but in Tampa, FL you need to be accessible 24/7 if you want to properly and professionally assist your clients. Then again, if my competitors fail to listen to your advice, maybe their prospective clients will become my buyers. 🙂
Thanks Scott. Good communication skills are an essentially part of business especially in the Real Estate industry. Consumers expect good communication from their Realtor!
Bill, I was searching for the second biggest complaint about real estate agents when I came across your page – I like that you wrote “Lately, I have called a few Realtors and were not able to reach them. On their work voice mail was a message that said “I only return calls between the hours of 12-1 and 5-6 p.m.” Are you freaking kidding me! ” .. Here’s a snip-it from mine “Lack of communication is the biggest complaint in the real estate industry, which is very sad considering we are a “Service Industry”. Guess what – It is one of my biggest complaints in the industry too. When I call or touch base an agent 5 times in a single day to set up a showing for one of my clients and there is no response, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr . It makes me wonder why someone would choose a professional service industry and not provide professional service.” Cheers! Audrey. By the way do you have any idea what the 2nd biggest complaint is?