Tips to Optimize Your Bedroom For Better Sleep

Optimize Your Bedroom For a Restful Nights Sleep Have you ever thought of optimizing your bedroom for a better nights sleep, especially if you live in the city?

Many thrills come from choosing to live in the city. You have close access to all sorts of nightlife, exciting venues, and one-of-a-kind restaurants. It all sounds good and well until you start thinking about the practicalities of the matter.

There are certain privileges you sacrifice when you choose to live in a city. You lose your privacy. Usually, you’re confined to a smaller space to accommodate your budget, and worst of all, it’s noisy – all the time.

Some view these downfalls as minor compromises to make for the advantages of city living, but that doesn’t mean they don’t long for the comforts of small town living at times. One of those particular times includes nightfall when you’re ready to go to sleep, but your city isn’t.

Don’t suffer and risk losing your sleep by distractions from a busy city; instead, learn how to optimize your bedroom space to help you achieve peaceful rest each night.

Step 1: Sound-proofing

A loud city will keep you tossing and turning all night. Between the honking horns, ambulance sirens, and chattering pedestrians you won’t have time for a moment’s rest. That’s why your first move should be stifling the sound.

Start by looking for simple ways you can help block out the noise. Generating white noise, for example, can help mask background noises. You may do this by finding a white noise machine specifically designed for this purpose or by running a fan.

Other simple solutions that may help include re-positioning your bed to be farther away from an exterior wall, wearing earplugs during the night, or lining your outside wall with bookshelves or clothes racks as books and fabric both absorb noise well.

More drastic measures may include re-locating your bedroom in your home to be farther away from the source of exterior noises. You can also consider investing in improving your windows by replacing them with triple-pane glass, sealing with caulk and weather-stripping, and using wooden shutters. Sure, this is costly, but it may be the measure you need to go to for a good night’s rest.

Step 2: Blocking out the lights

Another issue keeping city dwellers up at night is the intrusion of lights in the bedroom whether it’s from street lamps, car headlights, or businesses. A quick fix to eliminate the light pollution entering your bedroom is by hanging up thick blackout curtains.

Some people have adverse reactions to using blackout curtains, though, as they make it difficult to wake up in the morning without the entrance of natural sunlight.

If you need thick curtains to keep the light out in the evenings but still want to experience natural rising light in the mornings, you may want to consider a wake-up light that mimics the increasing light of the morning sun in your bedroom. This way, you get the best of both worlds and can block out the light when needed but still experience light to help you wake up.

Step 3: Getting a great night’s sleep anywhere

Some bedroom optimizations are universal to getting a great night’s sleep no matter where you are. Check out these final tips for making your bedroom a sleep haven:

Clearing out the clutter

It’s been scientifically proven that clutter induces stress, and the more stressed you are, the less likely you are to be able to relax and have a good night’s sleep. Keep your bedroom clean and organized, KonMari style, to promote relaxation.

If you going to be selling a home in the not too distant future clearing out the clutter will be a great move anyways. Home buyers have a difficult time looking past too many “things” unnecessarily cluttering a room.

Choosing the best paint color

Psychology has also studied the effects different paint colors have on our mood. Certain colors help set the right tone for your bedroom. Some people prefer cool tones of light blues and whites, while others find more comfort in neutral, warm tones of browns. Figure out which one appeals most to you and helps you feel calm.

Painting is also one of the best improvements when selling a house. You’ll already have the upper hand in being ready for the for sale sign going on your lawn.

Preparing the best sleeping structure

If you toss and turn throughout the night, wake up feeling tired or sore, or notice lumps and sags in your bed, these are all signs you need a new mattress. For your best night’s sleep, you should replace your mattress every seven to 10 years to ensure comfortable, restorative sleep. Also, be sure to dress your bed in breathable bedding so you won’t sweat in your sheets.

Turning down the temperature

For an ideal night of sleep, your bedroom should be around 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the optimal temperature for achieving a slight core body temperature drop and falling into deep sleep. Turn down the A/C or turn on a fan to keep you cool all night long.

If you go through this checklist, you will be able to properly optimize your bedroom for your best night’s sleep in any loud or busy city.

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Laurie Larson


Author’s bio: How to optimize your bedroom for better sleep in a busy city was written by Laurie Larson who is a freelance writer based in NC. She enjoys writing on home, health, and lifestyle topics.