The real estate market is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, with trends and insights that can significantly impact buyers and sellers. This June, a collection of insightful articles emerged, shedding light on various aspects of the real estate industry.

Each article offers unique perspectives and valuable insights, making them essential reads for anyone interested in the real estate market. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or someone simply interested in the property market, these articles provide a wealth of knowledge to help you navigate the complex world of real estate.

Best Real Estate Articles June 2024

See Some of The Best Real Estate Articles Published in June 2024.

What is a Realtor?

Though you might think you know what a Realtor is and what they do, there’s probably more to it than you expect. For instance, while a Realtor is a real estate agent, a real estate agent isn’t necessarily a Realtor. Realtors are members of the National Association of Realtors and have to follow a code of ethics.

Bill Gassett explains why hiring a Realtor is better than someone who is only a real estate agent. He also explains the different stages Realtors go through to help buyers and sellers get the best deal.

The best Realtors will offer expert guidance throughout the process. They will help buyers and sellers through market analysis, expert knowledge, and negotiation while managing the paperwork to ensure compliance and avoid delays.

Whether buying or selling a home, you want to ensure you have reliable assistance from your real estate agent. So hiring a Realtor, with their added benefits, seems like the obvious choice.

Divorce and Your Home

When going through a divorce, what happens to the marital home will be an essential consideration. It is likely your biggest asset, and how it is divided will be very significant to your future finances.

Bill Gassett provides his expertise on how the court divides property in Massachusetts and what you need to consider. Even if you are not in Massachusetts, this article will help you understand the factors and processes involved legally dividing property during divorce.

Massachusetts’s law follows an equitable distribution model, which is also used in 40 other states. This means the court will divide the property based on what is considered fair and equitable.

Bill takes you through the factors that affect how this property division is decided. This includes contributions to the marital estate, conduct during the marriage, and both parties’ occupation and future earnings.

If you are going through a challenging divorce experience, learning how the marital property is divided will give you a better understanding of what will happen during your legal case.

Warning Signs to Help You Avoid Bad Real Estate Agents

You need to be able to trust your real estate agent. They will negotiate on your behalf and should look out for your best interests, but unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.

If you have hired a lousy real estate agent, it could cause you stress, anger, and a lot of money. Luke Skar highlights what can go wrong when you don’t pick the right agent and how to avoid hiring a bad one.

A terrible real estate agent might not tell you everything you need. If there is a communication problem, buying the home you want could take longer than finding a buyer for your current property. An issue like this could cause you stress and lose you money.

This is one of the many problems you could face if you choose the wrong real estate agent. The article provides valuable advice on how to avoid getting into this situation in the first place. But if you have already hired a bad real estate agent, Luke offers advice to get out of the contract you have signed and find another agent.

This is one of many home-selling mistakes you’ll want to avoid.

Should You Buy a Starter Home or Save for Your Dream Property?

When buying your first home, you can choose between a starter home or waiting longer to buy your dream home. This choice comes down to whether now is the right time to purchase or if it is better to wait.

Geoffrey Tackney lays out what you need to consider when deciding if now is the right time to buy. He explains the financial benefits of buying a starter home and why it will help you buy your dream home later.

When you buy a starter home, you put your money into an asset that is typically appreciated. This increasing value is usually more significant than the rate of inflation, so helping you avoid becoming priced out of the market due to rising prices.

In addition, Geoffrey also gives you other reasons to choose a starter home you may not have considered. For example, buying a starter home means you can benefit from tax deductions on the mortgage interest, adding to the advantages of not waiting.

Today’s Real Estate Investment Trends

Investing in real estate can seem like a great way to build wealth, but it isn’t without risks that can put off would-be investors. The opportunities available to investors change with trends in the market, affecting what makes a good investment.

Chris Highland outlines the current real estate market and the trends you need to know if you are considering investing. The disruption caused by the pandemic is behind us, and Chris suggests that improving confidence stimulates real estate markets.

The article also covers the things you need to consider before you invest. Location is vital when investing in real estate, and Chris also highlights the importance of researching and analyzing before looking for property.

You must also be aware of the risks caused by changes outside your control, like volatility. Chris also talks about market cycles to help you decide if right now is the right time.

If you want to get into property investing, this article lays out some essential points you may not have been aware of and things you need to know before you proceed.

Will Your New Construction have a Warranty?

New Construction Home Warranty

Having a New Construction Warranty is Wise.

One advantage of buying new construction is the reduced likelihood of maintenance issues. But even if your home is brand new, things can go wrong that could be covered by a warranty.

Paul Sian looks into the warranties available for new construction and what a buyer should do before closing. Paul recommends inspecting the new home so the builder can rectify any issues before moving in.

If the home inspection does uncover problems with the property, what can you do if the builder refuses to make repairs? Perhaps the builder doesn’t consider the defect severe enough to require repair or that it isn’t covered under their warranty. The article reveals what you can do to avoid and deal with some of these issues if they occur.

The Best Return on Investment Renovations

If you want to do some home renovations to make it more attractive to buyers, some choices are better than others. While you could spend thousands of dollars on renovations, you could waste your money if you make the wrong choice.

Vicki Moore offers advice to make your renovations more effective in appealing to buyers so that you can sell your home for more.

The first step to making your home appealing is improving the first thing visitors see when they visit. Many things can be done to improve curb appeal without requiring a significant investment.

Vicki recommends repainting the front door in a color that blends with the rest of the house and the surroundings. She also suggests new potted plants and flowers in the front yard to increase the initial

These are just a few of the suggestions in the article that could make a massive difference to how easily your home sells and the value you receive from the sale.

Should You Have a Pre-Listing Home Inspection

Having a pre-listing home inspection can be helpful when selling your house. It allows you to find and fix potential issues before putting your home on the market, which helps avoid surprises during the buyer’s inspection. This proactive approach can save you time and money by allowing you to make necessary repairs beforehand, giving you more leverage in negotiations and making your home more attractive to potential buyers.

It also gives you peace of mind, streamlines the closing process, and helps establish trust with buyers. For those selling a home for the first time, it’s an excellent opportunity to learn how to maintain a home properly. Overall, getting a pre-listing inspection is a wise investment for ensuring a smooth and successful sale of your house.

Final Thoughts

When buying or selling a home or looking to invest money in property, getting good advice can make a big difference. In this month’s best real estate articles, experts offer great information to help you deal with the twists and turns of property transactions.


Check out some of the roundups from the last few months.

Luke Skar About the author: Luke Skar wrote the above roundup of the best articles from June 2024. Luke is a 20+ year veteran of the mortgage industry. He strives to stay updated with the latest changes and trends in mortgage lending and real estate.

Through his mortgage blog, websites, and social media accounts, he aims to help the community with as much factual knowledge as possible that benefits all parties in real estate transactions.