Tips For First-Time Home Owners

Are you going to be moving into a home for the first time? Whether you’re exchanging your apartment for a house or you finally decided to ‘leave the nest,’ moving into a house can be an incredibly overwhelming and exhausting endeavor, especially when you’re doing it as a beginner.

Thankfully, with a bit of advanced planning and preparation, this new chapter of your life can turn out to be quite an enjoyable experience.

Here are some essential things you shouldn’t overlook when moving into a house for the first time:

Be sure to make a plan

Having a detailed plan can make you feel more relaxed, as there’s nothing more stressful than doing things without a plan or to-do-list. Therefore, it’s necessary to ensure that you have an order by which you’ll do all the things related to moving. Start first by picking one of the best moving companies. Maximum Real Estate Exposure has an excellent guide for selecting a top mover.

Planning also refers to the budget and moving costs, so it would be beneficial to make an estimate of your total expenses so you won’t be surprised at the end. Planning can genuinely transform your moving experience and make it more pleasant and stress-free.

Take care of the bills and utilities

Moving Into House First Time One of the first things you need to do as a homeowner, at least a couple of weeks before the move, is to change your mailing address, and ensure any snail-mail you still receive is forwarded to your new home, whether it’s bills, bank statements or any other services.

While utilities might be transferred automatically in certain areas once you change your address, it would still be a good idea to call your utility providers, and ask them to transfer the electric, water, gas, and any other services into your name.

Additionally, you might also want to call your internet and cable service providers in advance and schedule an installation date shortly after the final move.

Make safety your number one priority

You simply can’t know how many people lived in the house before you and were given the keys by previous owners. For that reason, it would be best to call a locksmith and change all the locks in your new home for additional security and some peace of mind. A locksmith could also install deadbolts, in case your doors don’t already have them, as an extra safety precaution.

If your new house is missing a security system, now it is also the perfect time to call a good security company to install a burglar alarm, as well as a camera system, before the final move. The equipment can be installed and working in no time, but it will give some extra comfort and security to any new homeowner.

Invest in an excellent insurance policy

As another essential safety and security aspect, insurance is essential for providing you with the necessary comfort and peacefulness in your home. Whether you’re buying or renting a house, it’s always advised to invest in a good insurance policy that covers personal property, dwelling, and additional living expenses, to ensure you’re always safe and sound in your new home.

If you haven’t already, now would be the ideal time to choose a great car insurance policy as well – not only will your vehicle be essential during the move, but you also haven’t familiarized yourself with the new neighborhood yet, which makes protecting your car absolutely crucial.

It would be a great idea to opt for tailored car insurance that’s perfectly suited to your and your vehicle’s needs and invest in a safer and more secure future. Opting for a highly rated company is always a sound move. Look for companies with People’s Choice Award for insurance. Whether you are buying here or in another country, reputation matters. Youi is an example of a company that has one of these awards.

When you bundle your home and car insurance together with the same firm, you can almost always expect the insurance provider to give a discount.

Turn your house into a home

There are several things that are simplest to take care of when the house is still empty. For example, you can take care of any faulty plumbing or wiring, deep clean the house and the carpets, repaint the walls, or even spray for pests before the move, for a quick and easy experience. Don’t forget to plug in and turn on any appliances in the home to ensure everything is running smoothly.

It would also be wise to measure everything before you decide to move any furniture in, to make sure the things you already own can fit inside your new home, or to decide what you should get rid of, and what you must buy, to properly furnish your new house. The only thing left to do then is to decorate as you wish, one of the most enjoyable aspects of moving into a new home.

Consider replacing all your windows

When speaking about making a new home safe and cozy, check if it’s energy-efficient as well. Most people will start with insulation. Unfortunately, even the best-insulated walls can’t do much if your windows are of low quality. According to some research, a quality double-glazed window can reduce heat loss in the room by 40 percent. This means that your heating system will be much more efficient and that you will have to spend less in order to keep your new home warm during the colder part of the year.

On top of all these advantages, double-glazing windows are also great at canceling out noise, which can be completely priceless in some neighborhoods. This is also quite convenient for those rooms that are facing the street.

Prepare for a bathroom remodel

In case you are moving into an older house, there’s one room that requires special attention – that would be the bathroom. There are numerous ways for you to improve your bathroom and make it look spotless and chic. First, you could opt for a luxury option, by choosing some sophisticated tiles and stylish colors.

This idea is especially useful for small bathrooms because the cost won’t be that high. Another way to improve your bathroom is to create an eco-friendly one. For example, you could install a low flow faucet and toilet that will reduce the use of water in your home. You could also replace regular bulbs with eco-friendly LED ones.

Get to know your neighborhood

Before the final move, research the schools, playgrounds, hospitals, pharmacies, banks, grocery shops, and any other essential amenities in the area, to familiarize yourself with the new neighborhood, and make living easier once you finally move in.

Once you’re settled into your new home, consider throwing a housewarming party and inviting all of your neighbors, to give everyone a chance to introduce themselves, as good neighborly relationships are crucial for a calm and happy life in your new environment.

Even though moving into a house for the first time can often feel like a hectic and stressful experience, as long as you take care of the crucial aspects of moving first, this big step in your life can turn into a smoother and more pleasant endeavor.

Final Thoughts First Time Ownership

Getting your first home can be super exciting. You just can’t forget about being fiscally responsible. Hopefully, these tips for moving into a home for the first time has been useful.

Chloe Taylor


About the author: The above article about moving into a home for the first time was written by Chloe Taylor. Chloe is a graduated journalist from Adelaide and a regular contributor to Smooth Decorator. She loves everything related to real estate, decorating, and lifestyle topics. She is also passionate about photography.