Selling a condo in Massachusetts can be smooth if you follow the proper steps. I will cover the key aspects to consider for a successful sale. First, you need to understand that selling a condominium differs slightly from selling a house.

Frequently, owners overlook that when selling their condo, they are selling the unit and a percentage share of the entire condominium complex. Prospective buyers will be interested in the financial status of the condominium association to anticipate future financial obligations when considering purchasing your condo.

From three decades of selling condos in Massachusetts, there are simple steps you must follow to have a successful sale. Many of the same tips for selling a house will apply, however, there are a few more potential concerns that should be addressed with condominiums. Understanding these nuances will put you in a better position to sell quickly.

Let’s look at everything you can do to sell fast with a healthy profit.

Tips on How to Sell a Condo

Tips on How to Sell a Condo


Understand the Local Massachusetts Real Estate Market

  • Research market trends: Study current condo prices and analyze market conditions to understand what to expect.
  • Assess seasonality: The real estate market can fluctuate throughout the year, affecting when to sell. In Massachusetts, the spring is always the best time to sell, and it is not even close.
  • Analyze competition: Observe other condos for sale to identify your unique selling points.

I recommend you understand local market trends so you know the direction of the real estate market in Massachusetts. You should have insights into whether prices are rising or falling, how many properties are being sold, and how long properties typically stay on the market.

Understanding these trends allows sellers to time the sale and set realistic pricing. This is where the help of a skilled real estate agent can come in handy. Even if you plan on selling by owner, agents will freely give their advice.

Prepare Your Condo for Sale

Massachusetts condo sellers who understand the importance of home staging and preparation usually come out on top. Potential condominium buyers appreciate pride of ownership. They can see when an owner values their property. These condo selling tips will help put you into the top one percent of sellers listing for sale.

According to National Association of Realtors studies, 81 percent of home buyers say that staging helps them visualize living in a property.

  • Declutter and depersonalize: Remove personal items to make the space feel inviting.
  • Clean thoroughly: Clean every nook and cranny to present the condo in its best light. This will yield one of the best returns on investment.
  • Complete necessary repairs: Fix broken fixtures and touch-up paint to improve the condo’s appearance. Little things can make a significant difference. Pretend you’re being graded.
  • Stage effectively: Arrange furniture and décor to showcase the condo’s best features. Make it easy for buyers to picture living in your home.
  • Upgrade strategically: Make cost-effective upgrades like modern lighting and fixtures. Avoid investing in home improvements with low ROI. Instead, put your money where it counts.

Karen Highland, an experienced agent with Exp Realty, shared with me some things prospective condo sellers should know.

Bill, there are fewer things that set condo apart due to their uniformity. It makes it that much more important to make your individual unit stand out to potential buyers. I recommend all my clients take the time to invest in staging. They don’t need to spend thousands of dollars hiring a professional. Much of the advice needed can be gleened off the internet reading articles like your and others which provide the necessary tips. What sellers must understand is their effort level will be reflective in the time it takes to sell.

Set the Right Price

Ask any Realtor in Massachusetts what is most vital in selling a property, and they will likely say a proper list price. Condos have less variability in design features and amenities than single-family homes, so they are usually easier to set a price for.

  • Conduct a comparative market analysis: Compare similar condos in your area to find a competitive price. Look at the CMA through the eyes of a potential buyer. Remove emotions from pricing your home. Doing so allows you to set a realistic, sensible price. Real Estate comps never lie.
  • Get a professional appraisal: If you’re not getting a clear consensus from local real estate agents, a certified appraiser can provide a detailed valuation.
  • Consider current market conditions: Adjust your price based on whether it’s a seller’s or buyer’s market.
  • Factor in amenities and features: Highlight unique aspects that add value to your condo. Ensure these amenities are highlighted in the Multiple Listing Service and marketing brochures.

Market the Condo

  • Hire a professional photographer: Quality photos attract more potential buyers. I highly recommend accepting nothing less than professional photography from your listing agent. It makes a significant difference when selling a condo.
  • Create compelling listings: Ensure your real estate agent writes captivating descriptions highlighting your condo’s best features.
  • Use online platforms: Your Realtor should list the condo on real estate websites to reach a broader audience. and Zillow are two vital ones that should be given specific attention. These platforms dominate where buyers will find properties for sale.
  • Leverage social media: Share your listing on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Utilize traditional methods: Distribute flyers and place ads in local newspapers if they are widely read.

Choose the Right Real Estate Agent

The importance of picking the best agent cannot be emphasized enough. I recommend interviewing at least three agents unless you know who consistently produces year in and year out, regardless of market conditions. The right agent can make a difference in a condo sale. You’ll increase your chances of selling fast with the fewest hassles.

  • Evaluate experience: Look for an agent experienced in selling condos in Massachusetts.
  • Check references: Ask past clients about their experience with the agent.
  • Assess marketing strategy: Ensure the agent has a solid plan to market your condo. This is especially essential for first-time sellers. Understanding what a Realtor will be doing for you is crucial.
  • Negotiate commission: Agree on a fair commission that aligns with the services provided. I highly recommend that you follow your competition’s offering for buyer agent fees.

Show the Condo

  • Offer private tours: Schedule one-on-one showings for interested buyers.
  • Skip open houses: An open house benefits real estate agents far more than condo sellers. They put your home at risk with little benefit. Genuine buyers will schedule showings with an agent.
  • Highlight amenities: Showcase the building’s amenities, such as the gym or pool.
  • Emphasize location: Point out nearby attractions, schools, and transportation.
  • Provide informative materials: Offer brochures or pamphlets with detailed information.
  • Showcase your condo association: Do you have a well-run association with solid financials? If so, this will be something you’ll want to highlight. Maybe your HOA fees have been very stable? Don’t forget to mention this!

Have Your Condo Docs Ready

Collecting Massachusetts Condo Docs

Collecting Your Massachusetts Condo Docs in Essential.

The condominium documents are the first things the buyer’s attorney will ask for when reviewing the purchase and sale agreement. I recommend all my clients get the documents before selling the condo.

  1. Unit Deed: The unit deed details the seller’s percentage ownership in the entire complex and specifies which areas are deeded along with the unit or are exclusive common areas. Parking spots are commonly deeded along with the unit when selling a condo, but the association may assign them if not.
  2. Master Deed: The master deed is a comprehensive document that divides the property into individual units and outlines common areas, easements, and the association’s management. It provides clarity to potential home buyers regarding their responsibilities and the areas for which they are not accountable. It is important to note that while many home buyers mistakenly assume that the replacement of windows and doors falls under the condo association’s responsibility, most master deeds specify that this is the responsibility of the unit owners.
  3. Bylaws: The bylaws serve as the governing rules and regulations for the entire property, outlining what is permissible and what is not. Many prospective homebuyers are eager to know if they can bring their pets. Different condos have varying policies on this matter, with some allowing pets, some not, and others imposing restrictions based on number or size. Additionally, it is common for condo associations to prohibit satellite dishes, which can potentially deter specific buyers.
  4. Budget: Potential condo buyers often request the previous and current years’ budgets to assess the complex’s overall financial health. They want to ensure sufficient income to cover standard maintenance and scheduled replacement of roofs, driveways, and other expenses. I also recommend you ensure there is ample money in the reserve fund. You’ll also want to find out if there are any special assessments buyers should be informed about.
  5. Meeting Minutes: If your association holds regular meetings, they may publish meeting minutes. It would be beneficial to share this information with a buyer, mainly if your association is highly proactive.

Negotiate Offers

  • Review all offers: Consider offers carefully, including their contingencies and financing.
  • Counteroffer wisely: Respond with realistic counteroffers that encourage further negotiation. Lean on your Realtor for advice.
  • Work with your agent: Let your real estate agent handle negotiations for the best outcome.
  • Stay flexible: Be open to minor adjustments to close the deal.

Navigate the Closing Process

  • Hire a real estate attorney: Ensure all legal paperwork is correctly handled. I always recommend my clients have a real estate attorney. The cost of an attorney in Massachusetts is worth the expense.
  • Plan on a title search: The buyer’s lender will verify the title is free of any encumbrances.
  • Prepare necessary documents: Gather paperwork such as the deed, tax records, and condo association bylaws.
  • Arrange for a final inspection: Allow the buyer to inspect the condo before finalizing the sale.
  • Complete the closing: Sign the closing documents and transfer the title to the buyer.

Concluding Thoughts

Selling a Massachusetts condo involves several steps, but you can achieve a successful sale with proper preparation. Focus on presenting your condo in the best light, set a realistic price, and market effectively. With these strategies, you’ll navigate the process smoothly and achieve your selling goals.

Please let me know if I can answer any questions or help sell a condo in the Metrowest, Massachusetts, area.