What to Know About Cockroaches
Are you wondering how to keep cockroaches out of your home? Who would not freak about seeing a cockroach?
This small, winged insect has been an alarming nuisance at home. What if you have a group of cockroaches, called an intrusion, infesting your property? A cockroach can not only propagate dirt and filth, but it can also spread serious diseases.
Studies have shown that cockroaches have long been around the earth since the age of the dinosaurs. Interestingly, they can also survive up to one week without their head! These formidable household pests can also hold out for a month without food, except for water. Talk about survival at its finest!
Cockroaches need food, water, and shelter to persist. A better way to prevent roach infestations is to make sure these means of survival are inaccessible to them. Aside from this, prevention and pest control are essential so that you can say goodbye to these indestructible pests.
When moving into a home for the first time, it will be wise to treat for all types of bugs.
The Roach Types
There are over a thousand species of cockroaches in the world, and more than 50 of them are found in the United States. Roaches are distinctive insects with flattened and oval bodies. Their heads are small and broad with a pair of long and thin antennae.
Here are the common types of cockroaches you need to watch out for, or you may have already seen them in action.
1. American Cockroaches
These cockroaches are one of the largest types of cockroaches that infest homes and establishments, which can grow up to 35-40 mm long. They range from dark brown to reddish-brown. They have a yellowish band on the back of their head with a pattern that looks like the number 8. They are found in warm, dark, and moist areas.
2. Brown-banded Cockroaches
Contrary to American Cockroaches, Brown-banded Cockroaches are one of the smallest cockroaches. An adult cockroach can grow up to 10-15 mm in length. They are yellow-brown bands across their brown body. They prefer warmer, drier, and higher areas to thrive in.
3. German Cockroaches
This type of cockroaches can grow up to 12-15 mm long. They possess two dark stripes on the back of the head and a light brown to tan color on the body. They are found in damp, warms, and humid places.
4. Oriental Cockroaches
These cockroaches can grow up to approximately 20-25 mm in length. They are large and dark brown or shining black. They tend to live in sewers or any places that are moist and cool. One thing to be wary about this type is they are considered one of the dirtiest of all species of roaches, and they can create a strong smell which you would certainly not like at all.
The Roach Infestation
Cockroaches are mostly nocturnal insects; however, they are easy to spot or detect signs that they are lurking around your house or building. A tell-tale sign is seeing one, dead or alive, in your property.
Be wary if you spot them during the day, as it means that they have been around for quite some time. Aside from this, here are other signs of cockroaches around your home. Getting rid of cockroaches will be critical before they cause irreparable damage.
1. Visible Roach Droppings
There are cockroach droppings that look like black pepper or coffee grounds, visible behind the stove and fridge. They can be found in sinks, pantries, cupboards, and other food storage areas since food and water are accessible in these places.
2. Discarded Skins and Smear Marks
There are discarded skins and smear marks from cockroaches that you can find all over your place. These streaks can also be seen along with the walls or even in some places when they hide or rest.
3. Roach Egg Cases
A cockroach lays capsule-like egg cases called “oothecae” (singular: ootheca). An ootheca is full of multiple eggs. It is oval, and its color is brown. A mother cockroach usually carries the ootheca around, making it harder to spot. However, you can still track them down inside the pantries, behind the furniture, in between wall cracks, in tight areas, or books.
4. Smelly Roaches
There is also an unusual odor or smell that cockroaches produce. This pungent and musty stench is a pheromone from the roach feces. Although it attracts other cockroaches in the area, it certainly is not pleasant for your noses.
5. Visible Damages to Property
Roaches eat almost anything. They can also chew and damage items other than food boxes or packaging. Even your precious leather or book with its pages will be eaten in no time.
Take note that these are not the only signs of a roach invasion, but these can help you identify the existence of these pests at home and on your establishment.
The Roach Approach
As cockroaches have a long-time record of survival, you can carry out some of these helpful ways to prevent a worse infestation from these formidable foes.
1. Keep Your Home and Business Clean
Cockroaches are known for their untidiness. They are attracted to dirt and filth. It is important to clean and sanitize your surroundings at home and business establishments, especially the kitchen, dining, pantry, storage, and other food-handling areas.
You may also conduct deep cleaning or decluttering to ensure the prevention of cockroach invasion.
2. Call for Regular Maintenance
Pipes, drains, and shelves are considered great living and hiding spots for these household pests. They love the damp, moist, hidden, and narrow areas to thrive, so be sure to check them out. Moreover, getting regular maintenance to repair and clear any damaged pipes and clogged drains are helpful preventive measures.
If you have found cockroaches on your property, the best way to eradicate them is with the aid of a pest control professional. An expert exterminator is the best course of action you can opt to ensure you get rid of cockroaches efficiently and effectively. They will be able to identify their hiding spots, remove them from these areas, and assist you in keeping them away from your home or building.
About the author: The above article on what to know about cockroaches was written by Disa Gale. Disa loves learning and getting to do a little bit of everything. She is a teacher, coach, writer, researcher, adviser, and leader. These are her passions from which she enjoys doing and makes a living.
She demonstrated a positive results-oriented mindset, flexibility, extensive knowledge in the subject matter she will write about. She has created varied researches and content as a subject matter expert. It ranges from standards-based lessons, activities, and high-quality assessments to daunting pest control topics.
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