Real Estate Worth Reading Found on Google Plus
April showers bring May flowers and so far May has brought International Tuba Day, Cinco de Mayo, National Hug Your Cat Day and now the Best Google + Real Estate Articles. Each month Bill Gassett features the best Google + articles written by Real Estate professionals from around the country.
Whether you’re a buyer, seller, real estate professional or just someone interested in real estate, there is something for everyone in May’s Best Google+ Edition.
Your Real Estate Agent Could Be Turning Away Home Buyers
In order to sell a home a buyer needs to be able to see the house, yet not all buyers can view every home they want to look at. Sometimes it’s because the seller is unable to accommodate their showing request, but other times it’s because the listing agent is turning buyers away as Kevin Vitali explains in his latest article.
If you’re in the process of selling your home or plan on selling your home in the future make sure it’s easy to show and even easier to obtain showing instructions, you should never lose a showing because of your listing agent.
How do Home Seller’s Handle Multiple Offers?
Multiple offers have become commonplace throughout the country, and many home buyers want to know how multiple offers are handled. Michelle Gibson discusses the four different ways seller’s respond when they receive multiple offers on their home.
While every home seller will handle multiple offers differently, every home buyer should prepare themselves for all four outcomes. Smart buyers will put themselves into position to win by knowing potential results.
What to do about Unpermitted Work when Buying or Selling a Home
When unpermitted work is discovered during the home buying or selling process, it can create significant issues and in some cases can blow up a real estate transaction altogether. Not every home buyer or seller knows what to do when unpermitted work is discovered, as a matter of fact not many real estate agents know either.
However, top Massachusetts Realtor, Bill Gassett, knows precisely what to do about unpermitted work when buying a house and goes into great detail in his most recent article.
A buyer should understand when purchasing a home where building permits were required they are taking on all the responsibility. When it comes time to sell, they might be asked to go through the permitting process.
5 Mistakes to Avoid when Relocating
It’s easy to make mistakes when you decide to relocate your family especially if you don’t have a solid plan in place. Before you jump in feet first, it’s important to do your homework, plan accordingly and have realistic expectations.
As Xavier DeBuck explains in his latest article, five mistakes to avoid when relocating, you can’t expect everything to be the same in your new home. While there may be similarities, there can also be drastic differences that you may not be used to and have to set realistic expectations for you and your family.
Tips To Make Your Home More Appealing To Buyers When Selling
First impressions are everything, so it’s imperative your home is “show ready” before it hits the market. So how can you make your home more appealing? Kyle Hiscock shares five terrific tips to make a house more appealing to buyers, and they won’t break the bank. Some of these tips like decluttering and cleaning, are free if you decide to do the work yourself.
A little extra prep work can go a long way into putting more money in your pocket!
Do Open Houses Work?
This age-old question was recently tackled by Baldwin County Realtor Jeff Nelson in his article Open Houses – Do They Work? In this article, Jeff shares his professional opinion along with the pros and cons.
I’m sure a lot of readers will assume the answer is going to be yes, open houses work, but the answer is actually no, and you can find out why in this excellent read.
What most sellers don’t understand is that real buyers always schedule showings. Many real estate agents will mislead homeowners into thinking that open houses are vital to selling a home. This is patently false. Agents do this because they are a great way for agents to prospect for business.
An exceptional real estate agent will explain the risks of open houses including theft!
10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Realtor
Not all listing agents are created equal, so when it’s time to sell your home you’ll want to make sure you hire the best Realtor for the job, but how do you find the best? Newport Beach CA Realtor, Sharon Paxson, provides ten crucial questions sellers should ask when hiring a Realtor. By having these questions answered a seller would be able to determine who’s going to be the best Realtor to handle their home sale.
17 Easy to Follow Steps for Buying a Home
There are a lot of steps involved in the home buying process. Some of these steps need to be done before you start your home search, like getting pre-approved for a mortgage. However, some steps can be done while searching for a home, like deciding on an area or a neighborhood.
Not all buyers know exactly where they want to move and that’s understandable especially if they’re new to the area. This is where a top Realtor, like Lakeland FL Realtor Petra Norris, can guide you through the home buying process. In one of her recent articles, she shares 17 steps to follow for buying a house, and these are steps every home buyer can take part in no matter where they live.
Take a look at some helpful free home buying advice.
Understanding your Credit Report
Not everyone understands their credit report, and a lot of people don’t know what is considered “good” credit, “bad credit” or what credit score is needed to obtain a home loan. Eileen Anderson wrote an excellent Guide to Understanding a Credit Report where she provides a detailed explanation of how to decipher your credit report.
She also includes tips on how to improve bad credit scores if your current score doesn’t qualify you for a home loan or the best interest rate. Buyers who have the best credit scores generally get the best rates. Don’t you want to be one of them?
Smart Tips for Your Next Move
Whether you’re buying or selling a home moving is imminent and not many people enjoy moving, in fact, most dread it. Sometimes just the thought of moving stresses people out, and they’re not sure where to start.
Should they move themselves? Hire a mover? Can they afford it? Paul Sian provides some smart advice for your next move and goes into great detail about what’s involved if you decide to move yourself or hire a mover. He also shares the different moving scams out there and what you need to do to avoid them.
Take a look at Paul’s article for some excellent moving advice!
How to Save Money On Decorating
Last but not least is a helpful article from top real estate agent, Anita Clark on how to save money decorating your home. Take a look at some of the excellent actionable tips Anita provides to spruce up your home on a budget.
You are sure to find some helpful decorating tips you can use!
Final Thoughts
This wraps up the Best of Google+ for May 2018! I hoped you learned something new and took away a few great tips provided by these real estate agents from around the country. Don’t miss next months best of Google+, June is just around the corner!
Whether buying or selling always seek out a top agent to hire in your local market!
About the Author: Michelle Gibson is a top Realtor in Wellington Florida with the Hansen Real Estate Group and has been specializing in residential real estate since 2001.
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