In most areas of the country, the spring real estate market is in “full swing!” April, May, and June in my local, Webster NY Real Estate Market, are the busiest months of the entire year for real estate.
Just because it’s the busiest time of the year, doesn’t mean the number of top real estate articles that are being written rapidly decreases. The best real estate bloggers from Google+ spend countless hours and put forward a ton of effort, no matter the time of year.
It’s time for the recap of the best Google+ Real Estate articles from April 2015. If you were too busy to stay on top of your Google+ feed, don’t fret, the articles below are some of the best articles you may have missed during April!
Tips From Top Real Estate Agents For New Realtors
Starting out as a new real estate agent is not always an easy task. In fact, most people who get into the real estate business think it’s very easy and they will be making boatloads of money in no-time. This is actually the furthest from the actual truth.
Tyler Zey, from Easy Agent Pro, reached out to several top real estate agents across the country to ask them what their number one tip would be for a new real estate agent getting into the business. Andrew Fortune, Bill Gassett, Karen Highland, Anita Clark, and Connor MacIvor are just a few of the top Realtors who were included in this expert round-up.
Even if you’re an experienced Realtor, you still may learn a few things from these top Realtors who were included in this article. If you’re a new agent, make sure you do NOT miss this great article over on the Easy Agent Pro blog!
Tips To Help You Sell Your Home
Selling a home is not as hard as some seller’s make it seem. Having the proper knowledge and information can make a huge difference when it comes to selling a home. Paul Sian, Top Cincinnati Realtor, provides 10 excellent tips to help sell a home.
Certainly the number one tip to help ensure your home is sold is that it needs to be priced properly. An overpriced home will not sell, plain and simple. Paul also provides some other great tips including the need to de-clutter your home, make sure deferred repairs are made, and that the proper staging is done.
If you’re going to be selling a home, make sure you check out Paul’s article as it can give you a significant advantage over your neighbors who maybe selling their home.
Open Houses – The Pros & Cons
Open houses are a very highly debated topic in the real estate industry. Many Realtors will swear that open houses are the best thing since sliced bread and others will swear they are a complete waste of time.
As with most things in life, there are PROS and CONS, and open houses are no different. Most of the PROS of open houses benefit the Realtor who is holding the open house. It gives the Realtor the opportunity to prospect and pick up new buyers, and possibly sellers. This certainly can be beneficial for a newer agent, however, Realtors who tell their seller’s that open houses benefit them are not being completely honest, since open houses truly don’t benefit sellers in most cases.
There are many more CONS to holding open houses. Just a few of the CONS to open houses include possible theft, possible security issues, and the fact the nosy neighbors and “looky-loos” will be coming through the home with no intention to purchase it.
If you’re selling a home, before you decide whether or not open houses are for you or not, make sure you check out the Pros and Cons to open houses written by yours truly over on Rochester’s Real Estate Blog.
How to Get The Best Mortgage Terms and Conditions
When you are buying a home one of the most important things you will do unless paying cash is getting a mortgage. For most people the terms on their mortgage are extremely important.
Given the fact you could possibly have the mortgage for an extended period of time it makes sense to be financially conscious. Understanding how to get the best mortgage rates is important because even a quarter point difference can mean the difference in paying thousands of dollars in extra interest over the time you have the loan. Bill Gassett does a great job here in his article that lays out a blueprint for getting not only the best interest rate but the terms and conditions you are looking for.
There are so many loan programs out there so it is important you are comparing apples to apples when getting a loan!
Small Home Improvements That Can Make A Huge Difference
Every home owner when it comes time to sell their home wants to make the most money for their home. A very common question from sellers is how that can be achieved. What home improvement projects should be completed? Should a kitchen remodel be completed? A bathroom remodel?
Frederick, MD real estate blogger, Karen Highland, provides some home improvement projects that are small that may make a huge difference for home owners! Projects such as a fresh coat of paint, improving the lighting, buying a programmable thermostat, and planting some new flowers are just a few of the projects that Karen explains can be very minimal in cost but can yield some huge returns!
If you’re considering the sale of your home, be sure to check out all of these improvement projects as they may make the difference between getting the most amount of money for your home or not!
10 Money Saving Tips For First Time Home Buyers
Do you like saving money? Of course you do! For first time home buyers, saving money is always a great thing. Jake Durtschi, the owner of Jacob Property Management, wrote an awesome article here on the MASS RE News website that provides some killer money saving tips for 1st time home buyers!
It’s critical when buying a home for the first time that you shop around for mortgages, have a home inspection, and consider the real estate taxes. These are a few of the tips that Jake provides in his excellent article.
Having the “know-how” when it comes to buying a home for the first time is critical. It can save a first time buyer lots of money in the short term as well as the long term. Make sure you check out Jake’s article if you plan on purchasing a home for the first time in the near future!
What’s To Like About USDA Mortgages
When most people hear about a USDA mortgage they probably realize it is one of the few remaining no down payment mortgage options besides Veterans loan. Some may even know that the USDA loan is only able to be exercised in what would be considered in a rural area. In other words you won’t be able to get this type of mortgage if you live in a city or highly populated area. There are however many other advantages to a USDA loan that you may not be familiar with. Luke Skar of Madison Mortgage does an excellent job of pointing out what makes the USDA loan a great mortgage option.
How to Get Noticed as a Real Estate Blogger
It seems like every day there is a new real estate blog on the scene. Realtors have finally caught on to the fact that a well developed real estate blog can be a great source of business. The problem however is getting noticed when the competition is fierce in the online space. Most people realize that without quality content the chances of getting noticed are slim to none.
Having great content does not ensure you will be recognized. There are quite a few out there who put out excellent content but don’t know some of the tips and trick to be more visible. Karen Highland shares her expertise over at the RIS Media House Call Blog on how a real estate blogger can get noticed online. If you are thinking about blogging or are looking to improve your own skills make sure you have a look at Karen’s latest post.
If you enjoyed this April’s recap of the best Google Plus real estate articles make sure you also have a look at previous installments. Each month there are new real estate bloggers featured who put out exceptional content!
Previous Best Google+ Real Estate Article Recaps
The Best Google+ Real Estate Article Recap for April 2015 was written by Kyle Hiscock, a top Webster, NY Realtor. Follow Kyle on Kyle Hiscock Google+ and also be sure to check out his real estate blog at
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