Would you like to know how to write home descriptions that help you sell?

Writing compelling house descriptions involves capturing the essence of the home and presenting it in a way that resonates with potential Massachusetts home buyers.

Along with professional photography, thoughtful descriptions are a vital part of the home-selling process in Massachusetts.

I will discuss the nuances of crafting descriptions that attract attention and inspire action. You will learn the following information:

  • How to lead with a summary
  • How to use the emotional and descriptive listing copy
  • How to choose emotional adjectives.
  • Discuss highlighting standout features early.
  • Make sure you write with a logical flow
  • The importance of using professional photography to complement your listing descriptions
  • Using a call to action

One of the things that potential home sellers in Massachusetts should know is the importance of well thought out home descriptions. While the photography of your home is king, listing descriptions are queen. They go hand-in-hand to entice potential home buyers into scheduling a showing. Unfortunately, many real estate agents don’t take the time to put in the effort for their clients. It is something you should insist on.

Let’s examine everything you should know about creating home descriptions that get noticed.

How to Write Compelling Listing Ads

See How to Write Compelling Listing Ads.

Crafting a Captivating Listing Description Summary

The summary is your first impression, so make it count. Whether you are creating a listing description that will appear in the Multiple Listing service or the top sites for selling a home, it is vital to make it memorable.

  • Highlight Key Selling Points: Identify what makes the property unique. This could be architectural features, recent renovations, or prime location. Mention these aspects upfront to grab attention.
    • Example: “This charming three-bedroom home features a newly renovated kitchen and a spacious backyard perfect for entertaining. It is located in a sought-after, quiet neighborhood.”
  • Be Specific and Descriptive: Avoid vague terms. Specific details provide a clearer picture and make the description more engaging.
    • Example: Instead of “beautiful home,” use “charming three-bedroom home with a spacious backyard and modern kitchen.”
  • Create Anticipation: Pique interest by hinting at more features to come, encouraging readers to delve deeper.
    • Example: “Discover the perfect blend of modern comfort and classic charm in this stunning home.”

Using Emotional and Descriptive Language

Emotional and descriptive language helps Massachusetts buyers envision themselves living in the house.

  • Evoke Emotions: Choose words that trigger positive feelings and emotions. Words like “impressive,” “inviting,” and “bright” create a warm, welcoming image.
    • Example: “Imagine relaxing in the stunning family room, bathed in natural light from large bay windows while looking at the finely crafted coffered ceiling.”
  • Paint a Picture: Use vivid descriptions to help potential buyers visualize the space.
    • Example: “The sun-drenched kitchen features large windows that offer stunning views of the lush garden.”

Putting in the effort with your housing descriptions entices buyers to call their buyer’s agent to schedule a showing. Excellent real estate listing advertisements make a difference in home sales.

Using Powerful Adjectives

Adjectives can transform a mundane description into something captivating.

  • Be Vivid and Specific: Opt for adjectives that add color and detail to your description.
    • Example: Use “luxurious,” “sleek,” “tranquil,” and “sun-drenched” to add depth.
  • Avoid Overused Terms: Common terms like “nice” or “good” are too generic. Instead, use words that convey specific qualities.
    • Example: Replace “nice backyard” with “expansive, manicured backyard perfect for family gatherings.” Excellent descriptions are even more crucial when listing during the worst-selling season.
  • Don’t Repeat The Basics: Lazy real estate agents notoriously will repeat things redundantly.
  • Example: You don’t need to mention there are four bedrooms when this information is already found in the basics of the standard features that must be checked off in MLS.”

Highlighting Standout Features Early

Ensure the most attractive features are mentioned early to capture attention.

  • Start Strong: Place the most appealing aspects of the property at the beginning of the description.
    • Example: “Featuring a newly renovated chef’s kitchen and a luxurious master suite, this home is perfect for entertaining and relaxation.”
  • Use Bullet Points: Highlight critical features in a list format to help readers quickly grasp the main selling points.
    • Example:
      • Newly renovated kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite
      • Expansive backyard with a patio and garden
      • Luxurious master suite with walk-in closet and ensuite bathroom
  • Emphasize High-End Brands: Many buyers are drawn to quality brands. If you’re selling a gourmet kitchen, you emphasize brands like Wolf, Viking, Sub-Zero, and Bosch. When selling a luxury home, buyers will expect to see these items.

Organizing Information Logically

A well-organized description guides the reader through the property in a coherent manner.

  • Follow a Natural Flow: Describe the property in the order a potential buyer would tour it. Start with the exterior, then move to the interior, following a logical sequence.
    • Example: Begin with the curb appeal and exterior features, then move through the entryway, living spaces, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms.
  • Use Clear Headings: Break the description into sections with headings to improve readability.
    • Example:
      • Exterior: “The charming front porch welcomes you to this delightful home.”
      • Living Spaces: “Step into the bright and airy living room…”
      • Bedrooms: “The master suite offers a tranquil retreat…”

Emphasize Any Special Offers

If there are any special incentives to purchase the house, they should be made apparent. For example, offering the buyer a home warranty or a seller concession should be somewhere it won’t be missed.

Words to Avoid in Home Descriptions

While you should always emphasize the property’s positive aspects, avoiding words with a negative connotation is also essential.

The following words or phrases should be avoided:

  • Bargain
  • Potential
  • Bring an offer
  • Motivated seller
  • Needs TLC
  • Fixer

These don’t leave a positive impression, and some put a seller in a terrible position.

Complementing House Descriptions with High-Quality Photos

The Importance of Professional Real Estate Photography

The Importance of Professional Real Estate Photography.

Photos are crucial in providing a visual complement to your description. In fact, without exceptional photography, it is unlikely buyers will read the home’s description.

When your photography is lousy, they will skip to the next property. Whether selling by owner or with a real estate agent, it is vital to have the best images possible.

  • Showcase Best Features: Highlight the property’s most appealing aspects with clear, bright photos.
    • Example: Include photos of the newly renovated kitchen, spacious living areas, and inviting outdoor spaces.
  • Use Multiple Angles: Provide photos from different angles to comprehensively view each room.
    • Example: Show the living room from various perspectives to highlight its size and layout. I want my photographer to emphasize the most critical rooms in the home, including the kitchen, family room, and master bedroom.

Using a Call to Action

A solid call to action motivates potential buyers to take the next step.

  • Be Direct and Motivating: Use clear and encouraging language to prompt immediate action.
    • Example: “Schedule a private tour today to experience this beautiful home in person.”
  • Please provide contact information. Include precise contact details so potential buyers can reach out.
    • Example: “For more information or to schedule a viewing, contact [Agent’s Name] at [Phone Number] or [Email].”


In summary, crafting house descriptions that sell involves:

  1. Crafting a Captivating Summary: Grab attention with a concise and compelling opening.
  2. Using Emotional and Descriptive Language: Help buyers envision themselves in the home.
  3. Using Powerful Adjectives: Add vivid and specific details.
  4. Highlighting Standout Features Early: Place the most attractive features at the beginning.
  5. Organizing Information Logically: Guide readers through the property seamlessly.
  6. Complementing with High-Quality Photos: Represent the home’s best features visually.
  7. Using a Call to Action: Encourage potential buyers to take the next step.

Following these steps, you can create house descriptions that attract potential buyers and motivate them to act.

When you or your real estate agent don’t put in the effort, you’ll unlikely get the best results.

If you found this guide helpful, you might want to explore more about staging your home for maximum impact. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you plan on selling a home in the Metrowest, Massachusetts area. I would welcome the opportunity to interview.

Happy selling!